Welcome to the Ultimate Destination for Precision Prosthodontics!
where PG's restore over 100 implants and 1000 + fixed restorations each!
where PG's restore over 100 implants and 1000 + fixed restorations each!
5 Reasons : why you should study Prosthodontics @ Saveetha
1. You will become a Certified BPS Prosthodontist !
You will receive BPS Training certification, and you will be provided a new personal BPS kit (Stratos® 300 Class IV A - Articulator + Facebow, Ivoclar Gnathometers, 3d- Template and Gnathostar or equivalent Teeth sets) worth Rs: 5 lakhs for free! Saveetha Prosthodontics is unique in that our Post graduate program is integrated with the unique Bio Prosthetic System (BPS) of Denture fabrication, proposed by Gerber and marketed by Swiss Company Ivoclar Vivadent®. We fabricate the largest number of BPS dentures in the country. As a matter of fact most qualified prosthodontist who lack exposure in BPS come to us for advanced training! We have 6 certified BPS trainers who provide unsurpassed training and know hows in managing challenging cases in BPS. All our students visit Switzerland for certification every year ( Certification is free; Students manage their travel expenses). |
2. You will receive a Fellowship in Implantology
At Saveetha, you will be provided 30 Nobel / Straumann Implants worth Rs: 4 laksh for Free!. You will restore 100 + implants placed by undergraduates and receive a fellowship in implantology. Our department has the distinction of placing over 7000 implants and we enjoy a cumulative success rate of 97.3%. We have trained over 200+ qualified Australian dentists to place implants! Hence, in simple terms, Saveetha offers the best implant training (period). All implant placements and restorations are independently done by the graduates. In many institutions, post graduates tend to prepare the cases but placement is done only by faculty. It not be an exaggeration to claim that only here you would get real hands on training without unnecessary red tape. |
3. You will qualify as a Master Fellow in CADCAM Dentistry
Every postgraduate will receive exclusive training in CAD CAM systems that include, 3- shape Dental Studio, 3-Shape Implant Premium, ExoCad Dental Design, Cerec 3d Studio. Our department houses two 3d- Printers, four digital scanners, 10 digital workstations, worth Rs: 3 crores. The level of CAD CAM dentistry practiced @ Saveetha surpass most international institutes due to the versatile cutting edge options to the shear volume of cases. Most CAD CAM instructors do not know to digitally manage a full mouth rehabilitation case from start to finish. Since we insist on 100 % of CAD process in inhouse, our students are more proficient than even the company sponsored trainers ! Our Postgraduates are called in as content experts to guide local labs and provide online solutions to various international forums. |
4. You will get the most extensive Clinical in the planet ! (Especially: Full Mouth Rehabilitations)
Saveetha specializes in extraordinary full mouth rehabilitation training. As a postgraduate you will be exposed to one of the richest clinical exposure in the country. Since undergraduate do simple implants and FPD's our post graduate training is almost strictly focussed on advanced cases. Our PG's do upto 40 full mouth cases. Each of these cases cost over Rs: 35000. Hence, the cumulative value of training is over 14 lakhs for each student! The same treatment done in a private set up will be valued over 50 lakhs. Such numbers are unheard of even abroad. That is why we claim the best training in the planet! And more numbers do not mean less quality, every month we fabricate over 1400 zirconia crowns in our in house labs every month. Such high volume cad cam fabrications techniques enables us to offer the best quality for our patients. As a PG you will restore over 1000 crown restorations, restore over 100 Nobel® / Straumann® implants, insert 50+ removable prostheses etc. These skills set will set you apart from others. |
5. You will experience a structured program in a healthy learning environment!
One of the most important features that is overlooked in every program is how structured it is. For example a UG program is so well structure that students learn over 17 subjects across 4 years. But most PG programs are not efficient to train a students in a single subjected over 3 years.Many students start their programs with great ambitions to learn a lot, become the best in the field etc. And this enthusiasm is dragged down by daily chores, faculty politics, peer pressure and cut throat competition. . Students do random list of seminars that create pockets of knowledge which in the end makes most students think they failed to use their opportunity effectively. To overcome this we have structure the PG programs with 15 modules each with a proper summative evaluation at the university level that ensure a standardization in pg curriculum. This has also brought in a culture of more cooperation among post graduates and faculty. |